SGU/SLGA Blaze a Trail for Europe with Management Course

The Scottish Golf Union and the Scottish Ladies’ Golfing Association, the national governing bodies for amateur golfers, have blazed a trail for the rest of Europe to follow after successfully staging Scottish Golf Club Management Training Level One – the first comprehensive course of its kind.

A Labor of Love

In support of faster and more enjoyable golf, Jack Nicklaus and Muirfield Village Golf Club introduce Labor Day weekend tournaments of 12 holes, larger cups and slow-play penalties

Multifunctional golf facilities – an underutlised resource

Multifunctional golf courses are beneficial for society and for golf. Golf courses have several roles to play in addition to providing playing surfaces for golf. Considering golf from an outsider’s perspective, it can be seen that golf courses can provide a wide range of services that should be exploited, promoted and developed.

CMAE Member Stig Persson receives GEO Award

The sustainability efforts and achievements of three pioneering organisations and individuals were recognised at the presentation of Environmental Innovation Awards from the Golf Environment Organization (GEO) and its partner, global logistics company UPS.