David is a PGA Advanced Fellow Professional. Following 14 years of coaching golfers of all abilities, at home and abroad, David began work for the PGA in 2004, and is currently Head of Member Education.
As Head of Member Education his main objective is to support PGA Members with their own personal & professional development, providing relevant training and education opportunities which are reflective of the knowledge and skills required from the various roles they have throughout the golf industry.
More recently, David has spent considerable time consulting with key golf industry stakeholders, inc. Owners, Managers, PGA Professionals, National Governing Bodies and Golfing Associations on the role of the PGA Professional.
That has led him to speak frequently on this subject at a number of key conferences, both at home and abroad.
These have included:
- CMAE Management Development Programme Level 1 workshops – each year since 2011
- CMAE Management Development Programme – Golf Management – each year since 2013
- 2015, GCMA Introduction to Golf Management – ‘The Role of the PGA Professional’
- 2015 , UKGCOA – ‘The PGA Professional – Your best Revenue Generator’
- 2013, GCMA National Conference – ‘How the Right Pro in the Right Place at the Right Time can add value to the golf club offer’
- 2013, TGI Golf Partnership – ‘Promoting your value as a PGA Pro’
- 2013 – UKGCOA National Conference: ‘Utilising the skills of the Professional to Market Golf’
- 2012, EGCOA Conference – ‘Promoting the Value of the PGA Professional’
- 2011, ‘Revisiting the role of the PGA Pro – A business development perspective’ at the PGAs’ of Europe Congress
You can contact David on [email protected]
MDP Sessions Delivered:
- The Modern PGA Professional (MDP 1)
- Role of the modern PGA Pro in your club (MDP Golf Operations)