With the season now in full swing have you thought about showcasing your club properly with a Promo Film & Hole Fly-THRU’s (if you are a golf club)?
Now, more than ever, all sports & city clubs will need to start promoting their venue as the financial pinch looms! Cost of living is going up, so people will start prioritising their spending, so membership of a club could be one of the first things to go for some!
Although many clubs may be in good position post-covid; the next 12 months are crucial for many.
MB Golf is now producing shorter, sharper Promo Films featuring the best views of all club facilities; our most recent example is this 90 second one for Diss Golf Club: DissGC/PromoFilm2022
Check out our Cinematic-style Promo featuring some of our most creative shots we’ve filmed in recent years at some top venues:MBgolf/youtube/CinematicPromo
Most club websites would seriously benefit from a Promo like this even though many have good photos on the site, but video is the only way to properly showcase everything about a club, no other media comes close to the reach of video especially when broadcasted through Social Channels & YouTube.
See all our video work via our YouTube Playlists: MBgolf/youtube/Playlists
Please contact Mark Bradford from MB Golf at [email protected] if this is of interest, who has agreed to put a special package together for CMAE clubs.