We are a student led research team working on behalf of the Club Managers Association of Europe (CMAE), to investigate current initiatives to increase and sustain golf club participation and ultimately progression into golf club membership.
We are a student led research team working on behalf of the Club Managers Association of Europe (CMAE), to investigate current initiatives to increase and sustain golf club participation and ultimately progression into golf club membership.
This study will look to address key themes and initiatives and potential barriers that inhibit golf participation and golf club membership, looking to find out which initiatives are most effective in increasing participation and golf club membership. To help us on our way we are asking for your help.
The research conducted will be carried out using a questionnaire, to explore key themes into why people play golf, why they continue to participate in golf and why they become club members. Alternatively, it is important to highlight reasons for participants that aren’t club members or have been a member but have dropped out. We are asking for your cooperation in assisting us with the study. As club managers, we would sincerely appreciate your help in sending this to your club members.
The survey will take between 10-20 minutes to complete and we would ask if you can complete the survey to the best of your knowledge. The questionnaire is online and easy to complete however, the data collection period will close at midday on Friday 8th December at noon.
Lastly, we and Bournemouth University would like to thank you for your participation and co-operation in assisting us in this study. It is hoped that we can find some real key information in helping the golf industry for the future.