The CMAE are proud to announce that Club Inc are our Career Coaching partners. They can help you stand out from the crowd and make your brand the one that employers want. Club Inc is the brainchild of Niall Flanagan, former President and CEO at Loch Lomond
Golf Club, an individual who is highly regarded as one of the most knowledgeable club managers in the industry.
The incorporation is a bespoke professional career advisors for the sport and club industry, they have worked with hundreds of people who are re-evaluating where they want to be and what lies ahead.
Their Career Coaching services include:
- Career Profiling
- Career Mapping
- Creating a great CV
- Noticeable Cover Letters
- Interview Preparation & Techniques
- Job Search & Application
On a one to one basis, sessions can either be provided face to face or by phone or by SKYPE or Conference call. Each session will be recorded and a podcast sent to you directly after the session has taken place.
Members of the CMAE receive discounts on their services however it is imperative that you become ‘Friends’ of Club Inc. To do so, please Click Here. To find out how much of a discount you receive, please contact Club Inc on the service you desire and the discount you will receive via the contact details below.
To get a full proposal of how Club Inc can help you access the tools to bring you success, please Click Here or contact them via;
Telephone: + 44 (0)207 903 5105