Worplesdon Golf Club – Investment in Jonas Software

Adopting a proven and integrated software management system allowed Worplesdon to continue providing top notch service to their membership.

Jonas Club Management has assisted in taking Worplesdon into the 21st Century.


Worplesdon was concerned that other products on the market were not as focused on the needs of the private golf club industry as Jonas. Chris Lomas felt that putting in an integrated software suite would allow him to gain the reporting data which would allow him to manage the Club effectively.

Worplesdon Golf Club have been using Jonas for two years now. 


Implementing Jonas Club Management has resulted in a complete solution that shares information and removes the need for administrative staff to manually enter and re-enter data. Members can also go online to sign up for events, view statements thereby saving time and money, resulting in a far more efficient and profitable business.

Read the full case study to find out how the club benefited from Jonas Software: