CMAE’s latest Management Development Programme (MDP) Part 2 was a complete success when it was delivered at Stirling University during the first week of March.
CMAE’s latest Management Development Programme (MDP) Part 2 was a complete success when it was delivered at Stirling University during the first week of March.
Twenty four international delegates from the golf and city club industry enjoyed presentations by leading educators, including Ronnie Malcolm (Leadership), Bill Sanderson (Time Management and Communication) Gregg Patterson (Service Standards and Guiding governance) Kevin Fish, CCM (Lumina Spark and Strategic Planning) and Rick Bond (Problem Solving, Decision Making and Report Writing). Delegates also worked in teams on a case study problem solving exercise throughout the 5 day programme.
On the Wednesday evening the delegates enjoyed a Q and A session with panellists Gregg Patterson, Kevin Fish CCM and Bill Sanderson. Delegates were joined by Scottish Golf and Club Manager Association members who has earlier that day completed a Managing the Company Called You seminar which was delivered by Bill Sanderson.
MDP Part 2 is the second course of the European Club Management Diploma which is awarded to delegates who successfully deliver the executive case study set during the week of MDP 2, pass the course test and successfully complete a work based assignment where they take on a problem at their club and resolved it by applying the key learnings from the MDP curriculum. Previous delegates have reported significant savings and efficiencies at their clubs from application of the outcomes from their work based assignments.
Launched in 2011 the highly regarded MDP pathway has been promoted and courses held throughout the UK and Europe. Each course delivers top class education to club managers and senior staff on all 10 Core competencies of modern club management.
This latest week long course was hosted by Scottish Golf Ltd. who firmly believe that progressive CPD will contribute to the continuing growth and development of all clubs.
Kevin Fish CCM who facilitated the programme said “Well over a hundred Scottish clubs have engaged in this programme now, and we can see a time in the future when those clubs that have not invested in training their senior staff are left in the minority. That is a fantastic statement about the professionalism of our clubs and club managers in Scotland, who are prioritizing their professional development through the MDP.”
Kevin, the Director of training and consultancy firm Contemporary Club Leadership Ltd added “We have also seen a marked increase in the number of female managers on the MDP course, up to 30% in Stirling this month. Maybe this is one of the indicators that we are seeing a shift in the emphasis of what clubs are looking for from their club managers, from the stereotypical seargant major types of yesteryear to a more sociable, outgoing and customer focused manager ? This MDP course will certainly help them do that. ”
The MDP pathway was originally developed by the Club Managers Association of America and thanks to their vision and generosity has been given to CMAE who have adapted the materials for the European Golf, Sports and City Club Markets.