The annual Joe Perdue Bursaries have been awarded by the European Club Education Foundation (ECEF)
The annual Joe Perdue Bursaries have been awarded by the European Club Education Foundation (ECEF) in 2020/21 to the following recipients –
CMAA World Conference – Debora Drago, Operations Manager, Army & Navy Club, London
MDP Strategy & Leadership – Eduardo Carrillo de Albornoz, Manager, Golf las Pinaillas, Spain
MDP Strategy & Leadership – Luis Rio, Golf Secretary, Morgado Golf Resort. Portugal
The Joe Perdue Bursary was established in 2015 in memory of CMAA’s Joe Perdue, the pioneer of club management education in Europe, and who was instrumental in assisting CMAE to establish the extremely popular Management Development Programmes.
This year there were applications from 5 different European countries; Marc Newey, ECEF CEO, said that the quality of the applications was extremely high giving the ECEF Board a challenging job in identifying the worthy recipients. The key criteria the panel set were:
1. Their previous support of CMAE and its education programmes.
2. Their goals in attending an MDP Course within the next 12 months.
3. The funding already available for their CPD at their club.
4. The impact, which the successful candidate will make upon their colleagues and their area of influence.
The three recipients have expressed a great deal of gratitude and satisfaction upon receiving the awards.
Pictured left to right – Debora Drago, Eduardo Carrillo de Albornoz, Luis Rio
On receiving her bursary award, Debora said:
“I am thrilled and honoured to have been offered the incredible opportunity to attend the CMAA World Conference, thanks to the Joe Perdue Bursary. A dream come true – as this award will allow me hopefully to achieve the CCM qualification soon, whilst continuing to learn and widen my understanding within this challenging yet remarkable field. Not only is this a great opportunity of experiencing one of the most well-known conferences in the world but also meeting with like-minded professionals and listening to excellent motivational and knowledgeable speakers.”
Eduardo also commented “The CMAE continuous education programme is the best for all Club Managers. I consider the MDPs and the path to CCM the best continuous education I’ve ever taken part in and I encourage everyone in our industry to attend them.”
Luis added “I am very honoured with the nomination for the Joe Perdue bursary. I constantly try to increase my knowledge and invest in education, so this bursary is an important support to stay one step closer to the CCM certification. My thanks to everyone who made this award possible.”
For more information on the ECEF visit