Two Spanish Golf Club Managers, Angel Moreu and Jose Calvo-Sotelo were awarded their Club Managers Association of Europe (CMAE) Diplomas at a Club Manager Spain Reception in Madrid.
Two Spanish Golf Club Managers, Angel Moreu and Jose Calvo-Sotelo were awarded their Club Managers Association of Europe (CMAE) Diplomas at a Club Manager Spain Reception in Madrid. The Club Management Diploma is awarded across Europe by CMAE as a key qualification in their Management Development Programme (MDP).
The two successful recipients work for Golf Legend in Spain and attended the CMAE’s MDP Parts One and Two over a two year period, followed by an exam which included the submission of a work based assignment, where they took on a problem at their club and resolved it by applying the key learnings from the MDP curriculum.
Pictured – CMAE’s Director of Education Michael Braidwood (far left) with Angel Moreu (centre) and Jose Calvo – Sotelo (right)
Launched in 2010 the highly regarded MDP Pathway has already been promoted and delivered in Scotland, England, Ireland, France, Spain and Italy. The programme delivers top class education to club managers and club industry professionals on the 10 core competencies of modern club management.
Angel said after receiving his certificate “I am delighted to have achieved this accolade from CMAE. The education I have received to date has really helped me with my business. I fully intend to continue my education pathway and become a Certified Club Manager”
Jose added “I would like to thank CMAE, Club Manager Spain and all the presenters who have helped me in the two courses I attended, their support is really motivating”
Michael Braidwood, CMAE’s Director of Education said “it always gives me pleasure to hand out the Diploma certificates to our industry colleagues; they have worked hard to attain the Diploma and are putting the knowledge to good use back at their golf clubs”
The MDP pathway was originally developed by the Club Managers Association of America and thanks to their vision and generosity, has been given to CMAE who then adapted the materials for the European Golf, Sports and City Club Markets.
In 2015/16 the CMAE will roll out another 14 MDP courses throughout the UK and Europe.
For more information about CMAE and its club focused education programmes visit: