Bournemouth blast of Education!

CMAE’s latest Management Development Programme (MDP) Part 1 was a roaring success for the London and Home Counties region of CMAE last week in Bournemouth.

CMAE’s latest Management Development Programme (MDP) Part 1 was a roaring success for the London and Home Counties region of CMAE last week in Bournemouth.

Twenty-one delegates from golf, city and tennis clubs enjoyed presentations by leading educators, including Bill Sanderson, Steven Brown, Duncan Ritchie and Kevin Fish, along with a field trip to the West Hants Club, where delegates were given a tour and talk on Facilities Maintenance by their Chief Executive Peter Elviss.

Launched in 2011 the highly regarded MDP has been promoted and courses held throughout the UK and Europe. The programme delivers top class education to club managers and senior staff on all 10 core competencies of modern club management.

Pictured – The delegates at the MDP programme in Bournemouth at the West Hants Club.

This latest week long course was underwritten and hosted by the London and Home Counties region of CMAE which firmly believes that progressive CPD will contribute to the continuing growth and development of clubs in their region.

Their Chairman, David Balden, who gave the opening address at the programme said “we are delighted by the success of the MDP to date. We ran our first Part One course just over 18 months ago and followed it up with Part Two last November. This week was well subscribed due to the quality of the education along with the exceptional testimonies provided by our previous delegates; we are already taking bookings for our next MDP Part 2 course which is scheduled for November”

The MDP pathway was originally developed by the Club Managers Association of America and thanks to their vision and generosity has been given to CMAE who have adapted the materials for the European Golf, Sports and City Club Markets.

Feedback from the delegates was outstanding, as you will read:-

“After a weekend to reflect on the past week I can honestly say that I have never enjoyed a course as much in my career. Not only was I thoroughly educated by wonderful presenters but so entertained by a wonderful tribe of colleagues who I’m hoping will remain that and friends for a very long time. Each and every one of you made my week unforgettable.”

“I found that the course provided a first class insight into many aspects of our businesses, and areas that we may not have ventured into previously.”

“What an amazing week; when I arrived at the hotel on Monday morning I thought I’d walked onto the set of Cocoon II and not to a CMAE management course! However, all was well and it turned out to be a truly wonderful and enjoyable week; thanks to Mike and Richard for organising, the tutors for the amazing information and learning they provided, the sponsors for the drinks and great meal and to ALL of you for being such a friendly, fun and supportive team to work with. I hope our paths will cross again shortly.”

As mentioned above, the next course being organised by the London and Home Counties region is a MDP 2 course from 2nd – 6th November 2015 in Bournemouth.