Addressing Capital Planning Challenges in Club Management: A Key Session at the CMAE European Conference

Are you tired of constantly triaging capital investments year after year? Frustrated with worn-out furniture, fixtures, or the outdated look in your clubhouse? Fed up with the potholes in your club car park? Worried about where the funds will come from to replace essential infrastructure like the irrigation system, kitchen equipment, boiler, or greenkeeping sheds?

If you are a club leader grappling with these issues, you are not alone. Club Benchmarking’s analysis of balance sheet data indicates that 75% of clubs are not generating sufficient capital to meet their future needs. This problem is particularly prevalent in clubs that either lack a capital plan entirely or have significant weaknesses in their approach to capital planning.

Join us at the CMAE European Conference on Club Management for a critical session that addresses these pervasive challenges. In this session, John McCormack CCM and James Burns CCM  will delve into the common issues that undermine the effectiveness of capital planning efforts in the club industry and will explain the core components of a comprehensive and sustainable capital plan that can help your club thrive.

Both John McCormack and James Burns bring a wealth of experience and expertise in club management and finance. Their insights will be invaluable for any club leader looking to improve their capital planning strategies and ensure the long-term success of their club.

For more information about the European Conference on Club Management and to register for the event, please visit /euro-conf-2024/