Steven is Supreme Commander of Inn-Formation, a company established in 1987 and dedicated to providing his clients with tried and tested solutions on all issues relating to FOOD and BEVERAGE operations in the world of golf.
Steven has been working with F & B outlets since 1971 and has a wealth of practical experience to share with the golfing community which he achieves through training/development programmes, presentations at national golfing forums and via his one to one consultancies at golf clubs throughout the UK and Europe.
His unique and engaging style of delivery and communication lead him to being acknowledged as the foremost advisor on all matters food and beverage in the world of golf, and his ability to provide practical solutions to clients concerns means that he is well placed to work alongside those many well established golfing organisations that exist throughout the UK and Europe that support the golfing community.
You can contact Steven on [email protected]
MDP sessions delivered:
- Food & Beverage MDP 1, MDP F&B