Letter of Welcome from the President
Welcome to the Scottish Region of the Club Managers Association of Europe. The fact that you are looking at this page indicates that you are either curious or interested in what CMAE is all about.
CMAE and the Scottish Region are dedicated to providing the best possible educational opportunities to anyone who is in a position of influence within the club industry. This includes Managers, Secretaries, Supervisors, Greenkeepers, PGA Professionals, Presidents, Captains and Committee members.
CMAE’s aim is to empower the people in these positions to make educated and informed decisions for the benefit and improvement of their clubs.
Anyone who joins the Scottish Region will have access to a combined pool of knowledge and experience (your network) not only locally in Scotland but nationally and internationally. Our renowned educational seminars have the best possible speakers from the UK, Europe and America on topics that affect us all in the club world.
All of your Scottish Region Board members have attended international conferences and have benefited from the sharing of knowledge and practices from our colleagues around the world.
These opportunities are available to all members of CMAE and we would encourage everyone to embrace the chance to improve themselves as a professional club manager.
I recently read an article in the CMAA Boardroom magazine which outlined what our American Colleagues organisation had done for one manager and I have adapted the following to reflect what CMAE has done for me and my colleagues.
- Because of CMAE …
I have been able to learn from the mistakes of others. Smart people learn from their own mistakes, but a truly wise person puts themselves in a position to be able to learn from the mistakes of others therefore not making the mistake themselves. My CMAE colleagues have saved me from making potentially career threatening errors. CMAE gives me the chance to learn from others. - Because of CMAE…
I have the resources to turn to for specific needs that come across my desk from time to time. While I might think I am as creative as the next person, why reinvent the wheel at every turn? The members of CMAE are here to help. - Because of CMAE…
I have had the opportunity to visit dozens of clubs all over the world through the contacts made at the conferences I have attended and have learned that the problems and issues that I have at my club, are universal in the Club industry.
So what can you get out of CMAE?
The answer is really up to each individual. I can’t answer that question for you, only you can!
The real question is what you really want from a profession in club management and are you willing to make a commitment to get there. The desire to do well is important but the willingness to prepare is essential. It’s a bit like the person who can read and write but refuses to do so, they are no better off than the person who cannot read or write.
You may be a young person who is wondering if an investment in CMAE is worth it, the answer is a resounding YES.
You may be a seasoned veteran in the industry and wondering if you can teach an old dog, new tricks. The answer is that the quickest way to become an old dog is to stop learning new tricks.
My involvement with CMAE has kept my professional bag of tricks, current, refreshed and highly valued.
Why don’t you come and join us?
visit http://cmaescotland.org.uk for more information.
Tony Gill
General Manager of Brora Golf Club
President, Scottish Region of CMAE.
Scottish Region Board Members
President: Tony Gill
Education and Qualifications Convenor: Tom Cumming
Seminar & Professional Network Convenor: John Kemp
Communications Convenor: Gavin Cook
Corporate Development Convenor: David Gemmell
Membership Administration and Secretary / Treasurer: John Duncan
Board Member: Paul Arthur
Board Member: David Brodie
Education Partner of the CMAE Scottish Region
Regional Seminars 2015
The following seminars are planned:
Evening Seminar October during Level 1 course 28 October 2015 This will be a Q&A session with short presentations from those attending the San Antonio World Conference on Circle Bursaries.
One day seminar November 2015 Presentational Skill/ Public Speaking Date and speaker to be to be confirmed
These Seminars are free of charge for members and their guests. A small charge will be set for non-members is £55.00.
Bursary To Attend World Conference
Circle Golf have very generously offered a bursary to assist Scottish Managers attend CMAA’s World Conference. For 2 years Circle Golf have funded annually 3 managers at £500 a head towards their travel and accommodation costs. The bursary will again be offered for 2016 for the Conference in San Diego (Feb 21-25). Details of application procedures wil be published mid summer.
To be eligible for the Bursary managers must fulfil the following conditions:
- Applicant must be a CMAE Member of the Scottish Region
- Applicant must have gained the Diploma at the conclusion of MDP Level 2
- Applicant must have submitted an applicant to register for the CCM exam
- Applicants must agree to submit a written report on their return of what they feel they had gained from the Conference
For more information about the bursary, please email John Duncan Administrator Scottish Region via the CMAE Scottish Region website http://cmaescotland.org.uk
Further details of the activities of the Scottish Region can be found on http://cmaescotland.org.uk
To be up to date with all activity of the Scottish Region, please follow them on Twitter.