Now, more than ever, is the time to support and help your Greens Team.
There is new normal out there on the course and it’s causing stress and strain on your existing Greens Team.
- A shortage of labour meaning greens teams having to work with less manpower than before
- Course Managers having less time to do their regulatory administration leading to reducing and out of date reporting
- Increasing costs of fertilisers, chemicals and diesel leading to overspend in budgets set last year
Dealing with all of this while managing Member’s expectations means that Course Managers, Superintendents and their Greenstaff need all the support, understanding and help they can get from You, their GM, and the board and committees at your Club.
Turf Assistant can help.
While Turf Assistant can’t suddenly magic new staff from thin air, it’s work scheduling and APEx staff performance modules will help your existing staff.
Each staff member gets the Turf Assistant App on their phone with individual logins. They login using their phone or via the electronic whiteboard in the greens facility.

Daily work scheduling takes just a few minutes and staff members start and finish their tasks by pressing start job and finish job on their phone. Each task and the time taken is automatically recorded and the next task, with all the relevant details, is visible meaning that time is saved, no backwards and forwards to the Greens facility to find out what’s next. This increases productivity within the team.

Turf Assistant’s APEx performance module will accurately and automatically measure your teams Accountability, Performance and Efficiency against all tasks so that your Course Manager can identify the teams individual strengths but also identify where coaching and training is required based on the staff’s task start and stop timings.

Turf Assistant’s course mapping accurately measures all the areas of your course, tees, fairways, rough, bunkers etc, in fact, any area that needs maintained.
Why is this important? Well, Turf Assistant’s Ag planner will work out, based on the area size and recommended fertiliser or chemical spray rates, how much is needed to spray the required area. This means less waste and reduced expenditure.
Using beacon technology and course mapping, Turf Assistant records the way each piece of motorised equipment moves around the course. It may be that staff carry out their daily tasks on a set routing. Turf Assistant’s AI can work out if this is the most efficient routing and can make recommendations to improve efficiency, saving time and diesel costs.
Turf Assistant can help your Green teams in its time of need. Get in touch today for a zoom demo and start on your journey to supporting your Greens team to manage its resources efficiently and effectively while easing the strain.
Contact Peter Kirk on 07737 691054 and at [email protected] or Jim Callaghan CCM on 078522 88732 or at [email protected] for more information.