Application for Joe Perdue Bursary

The application process for the Joe Perdue Bursary is subject to the guidelines below.

  1. Nominees must be a member of CMAE or one of CMAE’s regions or Affiliate Organisations
  2. The completed application form must be sent to CMAE Association Manager, Debbie Goddard, for verification of the nominee(s) membership credentials.
  3. Once verified, the original application forms will be forwarded to the European Club Education Foundation (ECEF) Award Panel to meet, consider all verified applications and decide upon the most worthy recipient.
  4. The closing date is 4th January 2024.
  5. Incomplete application forms will not be accepted.
  6. The review panel will announce its decision by 15th January and its decision shall be final.
  7. All applicants will be informed of the decision of the review panel.
  8. The successful nominees will be required to attend either CMAA’s 2024 World Conference or the MDP Strategy and Leadership Course and passing the course test. They will each be asked to write a 500-word report on their experience within 30 days of attending World Conference or completing the MDP course.

The 2024 Joe Perdue Bursary Application Form